Zane Lībiete

Title:  Forest-ecosystem services-based management

Abstract of presentation: The concept of ecosystem services has gained increasing attention in the recent decade, and it is being more and more frequently applied in various research and policy areas. In our region, forests are the most widespread terrestrial ecosystems. Apart from timber production, they provide a wide array of non-wood forest products and a broad range of services that are essential for human well-being, such as clean water, clean air, carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and recreation.

Ecosystem services-based management offers a more holistic approach to forest management, which seeks to optimize the delivery of multiple ecosystem services, while ensuring the sustainable use of forest resources. This approach involves the integration of ecological, social, and economic considerations into forest management planning and decision-making. The implementation of forest ecosystem services-based management requires a shift in mindset and a change in the way forest resources are valued and managed. It requires collaboration and engagement with a range of stakeholders, including forest owners, managers, users, policymakers and society.

The presentation provides an overview of the main principles of ecosystem services-based forest management, gives examples and discusses most significant challenges of its implementation.

Biography: Zane Lībiete is senior researcher at the Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava". She holds a PhD in forest science and MSc in cultural and social anthropology, and her research interests include forest management and environment interactions, as well as forest ecosystem services and relationship between people and environment in general.