Roberts Čakšs
Title: Urban Forestry: study course
Abstract of presentation: “Urban forestry” is a new study course at master`s level in Forest faculty of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. It is intended to deal with challenges in the management of urban, suburban and peri-urban forests. The maintenance and restoration of such territories, methods of public communication, and the application of remote sensing techniques are just a few of the subjects covered in this study course. Attendees of this study course will be introduced also in tracking forest fires, species inventories, and the quirks of mobility in urbanized and rural areas.
It may occasionally appear that the forests in urbanized areas of Latvia are overgrown and, thus impenetrable or they are subjected to unreasonably intensive management. In this regard, urban, suburban and peri-urban forests should also be maintained to provide a satisfactory living environment, considering the high prevalence of such areas. In Baltic states, similarly to many other places, the ongoing urbanization causes a desire of individuals to live in suburbs.
This study course involves the assessment of unique requirements of urban, suburban and peri-urban forests, as well as the management and planning approaches needed to preserve such areas as they are subjected to heavy anthropogenic impacts. Attendees will be provided with a thorough grasp of the challenges and opportunities regarding to managing urban, suburban and peri-urban forests via the skills and knowledge appropriate for running sustainable and healthy ecosystems in urban green areas
Biography: Master's degree in biology in 2019, currently studying phD in forestry.
Research assistant in Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava" since 2019. Researcher in University of Daugavpils since April of 2022.
Guest lecturer in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies since September of 2022. Currently working in these projects: Successional and spatial patterns of mosses and lichens in deciduous forests Nr. lzp-2020/1-0314, Impact of climate change on forestry and its risks, Impact of forestry on forest and related ecosystem services. Before worked in this project: Forest management risks: prognosis and minimization.