Jan Willem de Groot
Title: Trees – A Lifespan Approach
Abstract of presentation: Still too often trees die prematurely or must be removed because of mechanical problems. The costly investment that has been done for these trees is thus nullified. If we want our new planted trees to be successful one day, we must plant them in the right conditions and give them the right tree management. In his presentation Jan Willem de Groot will focus on the importance of young tree management. Based on his experience in The Netherlands he will show how important and effective the pruning of young trees based on a predetermined plan is.
Biography: Jan Willem de Groot works as CEO for Terra Nostra (www.terranostra.nu). Terra Nostra is a tree consulting company that provides its services in The Netherlands and Belgium. Jan Willem is co-author of the book ‘Trees: A Lifespan Approach’, published in 2016. The book provides insights into pruning practices for young and mature trees. Jan Willem was organizer of the Nederlandse Boominfodag (Dutch Tree Care Conference) between 2005 and 2018 and nowadays he is still involved as program manager. Currently he is board member of the Dutch ISA chapter and he is the representative for The Netherlands in the EAC (European Arboriculture Council).